Fat/Oil Quality

  • Dogs
  • Cats
Scoring For:


Fats (Lipids) are the primary source of energy for dogs. Oil sources are essential for levels of both Omega 6 and Omega 3 for dogs. They are also beneficial for overall health, aiding bodily systems such as the skin and digestive tract. We have taken into consideration both the source/ingredient for fat and oil in the foods and scored them according to digestibility and quality.

Fat and oil quality in raw pet food is broken down into 4 different categories which are listed below. Higher-quality fat sources are awarded more points.

Contributes 20% to the ingredient score for dogs


Derived from Vegetable Ingredients

Vegetable Oils are a large group and they can range from ok to very poor sources of Omega 3 and 6 with poor digestibility. They can often cause digestive problems.


Derived from Meat Ingredients

Oil from only meat sources are often low quality or unspecific sources of Omega 3 and 6. They do add palatability to foods.


Flax / Linseed / Coconut Oil

Flax, Linseed and Coconut are all good quality oils that contain good levels of Omega 3 and 6 and contribute to overall digestion and palatability of foods.


Salmon Oil / Named Fish Oil

Salmon Oil and Named Fish Oils are all great sources of Omega 3 and 6. Adding great palatability to foods.